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Sexy Norwegian Natassia Malthe

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Sexy Norwegian actress and model Natassia Malthe has steamed up screens playing vampires in movies like Bloodsuckers and Bloodrayne 2 & 3. She was also nominated for an MTV Movie Award Best Kiss after giving Jennifer Lawrence a surprise frenchie in Elektra.

Born in Oslo on 19 January 1974, her father is a Norwegian teacher and her mother a Malaysian born former nurse. Natassia spent her youth between Norway, Scotland and Canada, where she studied dance at the Royal Winnipeg Ballet and the Goh Ballet of Vancouver. She sang too, performing with the Norwegian Opera House. At 19, she moved to London to study theatre, dance and singing with the London Studio Centre Of Performing Arts. Returning then to Norway, she was awarded a scholarship to study with the prestigious college Statens Norske Ballet Hoyskol.

But she never completed it, since she received a chance to launch her acting career following a visit to Canada. She landed the role of an elf bounty-hunter and sorceress-in-training in the Sci Fi Channel miniseries Knights Of Bloodsteel in 2009, and her filmography now stretches to more than 50 movie and TV credits. Also a successful model thanks to her sultry eurasian looks, Natassia has not been afraid to go nude for her art, baring her sexy body on several occasions.

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